Prof. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli
Tel.: +962 6 4294444 Ext. 4500
Mail: P.O.Box 35247, Amman 11180, Jordan
Prof. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli
Tel.: +962 6 4294444 Ext. 4500
Mail: P.O.Box 35247, Amman 11180, Jordan
Prof. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli
Tel.: +962 6 4294444 Ext. 4500
Mail: P.O.Box 35247, Amman 11180, Jordan
Prof. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli
Tel.: +962 6 4294444 Ext. 4500
Mail: P.O.Box 35247, Amman 11180, Jordan

Khanfar M. F., Abu Eisheh N. J, Al-Ghussain L., and Al-Halhouli A. (2019), Lab on a Chip for the Colorimetric Determination of Nitrite in Processed Meat Products in the Jordanian Market, Micromachines, 10(1), 36; doi: 10.3390/mi10010036.
Al-Ghussain L., Global Warming: Review on Driving Forces and Mitigation. Environmental Prog. Sustain. Energy, pp. 1–29, 2018. 3. doi: 10.1002/ep.13041.
Al-Halhouli A. T., Al-Shishan G., Albagdady A., AlFaqheri W., (2018) "New generation of spinning systems for robust active mixing on microfluidic CDs: oil/water emulsion as an evaluation test", RSC Advances, doi: 10.1039/c8ra04889d.
Al-Faqheri W., Thio T. H. G., Qasaimeh M. A., Dietzel A., Madou M., and Al-Halhouli A. (2017), Particle/Cell Separation on Microfluidic Platforms based-on centrifugation effect: A review, Microfluid Nanofluid 21: 102.
Al-Halhouli A.T. (2015) Special Issue Devoted to Selected Papers from the International Conference of Young Scientists on Innovative Applied Renewable Energy Researches (ICYS- ARE 2015), Editorial, Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 10 (1), 1-2.
Al-Halhouli A. T., Waldschik, A., Phataralaoha, A., Kilani M. I., and Büttgenbach, S (2012). Fabrication and Testing of an Integrated Electromagnetic Micropump Based on Electroplated Coils and Microfabricated Polymer Magnets, Journal of micromechanics and microengineering. 22, 065027.
Al-Halhouli A.T., Kilani M. I., Al-Salaymeh A., and Büttgenbach S (2006). Influence of Geometrical Design Parameters on the Flow Performance of a Spiral Channel Viscous Micropump, WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, 1 (6), 601-606.
Al-Ghussain, L., Samu, R., Fahrioglu, M., Taylan, O. Techno-Economic Analysis Of PV-Hydrogen Fuel Cell/Pumped Hydro Storage System For Microgrid Applications: Case Study In Cyprus. In International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies, 2018. doi: 10.1109/PVCon.2018.8523976
Al-Faqheri W., Al-Shishani G., Al-Baghdadi A., Al-Halhouli A., "Novel Dual-Motor Spinning System for Active Applications on Microfluidic Compact Discs", The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), October 22-26, 2017 (Accepted).
Al-Halhouli A., Al-Aloul H., Deeb O., Al-Faqheri W., "Rapid and Reproducible Method to Fabricate Micro-Sized Ferromagnetic Robots for Microfluidic Applications", The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), October 22-26, 2017 (Accepted).
Al-Halhouli A., Al-Rabadi I., Al-Faqheri W., Hecht L., Dietzel A., "Development of Integratable Chip for Enhanced Inertial Mixing on Centrifugal Microfluidic Platforms", The 43rd International Conference on Micro- and Nanoengineering (mne2017), Braga - Portugal, September 18 - 22, 2017 (Accepted).
Al-Halhouli A., Al-Faqheri W., Alhamarneh B., Hecht L., Dietzel A., “Trapezoidal Spiral Microfluidics for Inertial Focusing and Separation of Different Particles Sizes”, The International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research (SPhERe), Braunschweig - Germany, September 6 -8, 2017 (Accepted).
Albarahmieh E., Al-Halhouli A., Al-Faqheri W., AbuAmmouneh L., AbuHantash F., Kaddoura Z., “Employing Innovative Microneedle Patch to Conquer Transungual Drug Delivery Challenge”, The International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research (SPhERe), Braunschweig - Germany, September 6 -8, 2017 (Accepted).
Peterat G., Demming S., Schmolke H., Al-Halhouli A.T., Edlich A., Büttgenbach S., Klages C.-P., and Krull R. (2012) Multiphase Microbioreactors: Scaling Down Hydrodynamic Principles for Biological Process Intensification. Microfluidics Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
Al-Halhouli A.T., Waldschik A., Kilani M. I., and Büttgenbach S. (2012) The Electromagnetic Driven Gentle Micropump, ICTEA12, Istanbul, Turkey.
Microfluidic Systems for Life Science Applications, 13th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (FLUCOME 2015), November 15 -18, 2015, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Toward Programmable Manipulation of Liquids in Microfluidic Platforms, European Lab Automation, Nano & Microfluidics Track, June 6–7, 2013, Hamburg, Germany
Toward Programmable Microfluidic Platforms for Biotechnological Screening, Micro Flow Chemistry and Biology Workshop, Nov. 7-8, 2012, Dead Sea, Jordan
Microfluidic Systems for Sensing and Synthesis, Sino-German Symposium: Frontier Research On Smart Nanodevices, Sep. 27 2012, Braunschweig, Germany
Lab-on-a-Chip for Sensing and Synthesis, 6th Sino-German Symposium on Micro- and Nano-Production, Measurement and Application, June 20, 2012, Braunschweig, Germany